
tokyo international film festival中文是什么意思

  • 东京国际电影节(日本)
  • 东京影展
  • 京影



  • 例句与用法
  • Award - winner in the tokyo international film festival
  • Winner of the best art contribution award on the 15th tokyo international film festival
  • Beyond our ken was premiered at tokyo international film festival . how was the reaction there
  • Beyond our ken was premiered at tokyo international film festival . how was the reaction there
    在刚过去的东京电影节, 《公主复仇记》在那边做了全球首映,当地反应怎样?
  • Was just premiered at the prestigious tokyo international film festival . we re glad to have the opportunity to meet and ask him about this new movie
  • Was just premiered at the prestigious tokyo international film festival . we re glad to have the opportunity to meet and ask him about this new movie
  • Best feature film , best actor , fipresci special award , tokyo grand prix the governor of tokyo award - tokyo international film festival ( 1987 )
  • Tokyo international film festival is known as one of the world s eleven major international film festivals , along with cannes and berlin
  • Two chinese movies , " thirteen princess trees " and " after this our exile " won awards on sunday at the 19th tokyo international film festival . " thirteen princess trees , " directed by the young generation chinese director lu yue , won " the special jury prize .
    两部中国电影在19届东京国际电影节获奖。中国新锐导演吕乐执导的十三棵泡桐获得了“评委会特别奖” 。另一部获奖的电影是父子。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 百科解释
Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF) is a film festival established in 1985. The event was held biannually from 1985 to 1991 and annually thereafter.
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